April 04, 2022

My favorite resort

2020/7/15 – 2020/9/2

Isetan Salone  – Tokyo Midtown Galleria


The theme is “resort”.
She painted infinity pools, tropical jungles, and hibiscus flowers to hope that viewers will feel as much joy as possible in these days when it is difficult to get away from home.
There are also some of the wonderful resorts he has visited in the past, such as Sri Lanka, Amami Oshima, Hawaii, and so on.
I hope you will take a trip with your eyes.
We can’t go overseas right now, but I hope these paintings will make you feel open and happy, and it makes you to open a bottle of champagne or a nice cold beer!
Please come and visit us in flip-flops or as if you were going to a resort!

Ellie Omiya